Most of the staffs of RADO-Nepal are local from the rural communities and have good immersion in the community that has enabled RADO-Nepal to work even in the peak hour of conflict in Nepal. In that situation, many NGOs working in the same communities had to drop the projects due to conflict; ADO-Nepal continued its work without any interruption.
- Followings were the major lessons learnt by RADO-Nepal during the conflict:
- RADO-Nepal has a team of staffs highly motivated and competent
- It maintained high level of transparency of the program and finance at all levels
- It focused to quality work in construction of infrastructures
- It supported technically and local community people mobilized in the process of procuring the construction materials
- It ensured the participation of community people at all stages of the project; situation assessment, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
- It focused the program interventions to ultra- poor and ensured the inclusiveness.