
Facilitate local government and communities in planning and implementation of WASH, DRR/CCA, Education, Livelihood and Poverty alleviation programs for...

Program and Partnership History

RADO-Nepal sincerely appreciates its satisfaction on being able to extend its working relationship with institutions of national and international...

Organizational Biography

Organizational BiographyName of the Organization: Rural Awareness and Development Organization Nepal (RADO-Nepal) Type of Organization: NGO Registration No.:...


Building Resilient community


RADO is governed by the general assembly composed by its individual members. The executive committee elected by the general...


Carry out need assessment, planning, implementation, monitoring & evaluation of community development projects; gravity water supply system /rainwater harvesting...


- Support through awareness, education, health and hygiene, infrastructure development and income generation program...

Rural Awareness and Development Organization Nepal

Rural Awareness and Development Organization Nepal (RADO-Nepal), non-governmental, non-political, non-profitable social development Organization committed for empowered rural communities. RADO-Nepal...