The ICS (Internatinal citizen service) volunteers of UK and Nepal are actively working on some of the remote VDCs of Nibuwatar and Aaamvanjyang of Makawanpur. They are actively working on the sector of youth motivation, awareness raising, Income Generation activities, construction of hand washing station and latrine for the needy one, health sanitation, drinking water project and many more. Their hard effort and Successful implementation brings joy to the rural communities of Nubuwatar (Amling) and Aamvanjyang (Kaliban and Dumrekuna).
Mr Bhawani Prasad Ghimire, who is not able to listen and speak, lives in Kaliban with her wife and a daughter of 7 years old. Like Mr. Ghimire his wife is also deaf and not able to communicate any word. Their daughter just started her primary education at nearby Government School named Shree Sharada higher Secondary school in free of cost. Due to the poverty, this family lives in a small muddy house which totally lacked basic sanitation and no latrine facilities until now. So, they were forced to defecate openly. Lack of toilet and poor sanitation frequently caused them to fall sick from different water born illness and feaco-oral transmitted diseases that are usually preventable. Their families were frequently burdened by diarrohea, cholera, dysentery and many more but were not able to build the latrine due to financial problem as well as lack of man power in home.
So, ICS volunteer choose that family to construct latrine by providing necessary Material and manpower. Now they don’t have to do open defecation and no more sanitation problem resulting no more illness. This brought a vast different in their life. “They used to sit here and there and defecate which seems uncivilized. No doubt that open defecation is harmful for health resulting many water born diseases, feaco-oral transmitted illness and so on but also it disturb us mentally when we saw such scenario. Now it’s all solved. We are very much thankful to the ICS volunteer and supporting organization for managing latrine for them. Latrine not only bring sanitation, it brings pride and dignity in our community” told Mr Surendra Timalsina, one of the community member from kaliban.
There are other more families like Bhawani’s in Nibuwatar and Aamvanjyang where people are living in below the poverty line with very poor condition of sanitation and Hygiene. There is no way these families could have built a toilet or hand washing station. We are able to support for 10 toilets in this 3 months of 2nd phase (2017) of project of ICS, funded by Raleigh International Nepal and social facilitation by RADO Nepal.